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Read through our latest stories, features and company updates.
The story of Kitt Medical with Zak & James (Affected Podcast)
Learn all about the founding story of Kitt Medical, Zak’s personal struggle with allergies, and more in this latest podcast interview with founders Zak & James.
How Anaphylaxis Kitts are made - out of recycled plastic! (UK Startup)
We’re so proud to say that all our Kitts are crafted from recycled plastic and hand-assembled with care and precision right here in our factory in Wales, UK.
Kitt Medical partners with St John Ambulance to Increase Allergy Awareness
St John Ambulance is England's leading first aid charity. Together, we’ll improve the quality of life for those living with severe allergies and increase the availability of emergency anaphylaxis treatment.
Our NEW CPD-Accredited Allergy & Anaphylaxis training course for Schools & Workplaces
Created by us, for UK schools and qualifying businesses, this brand new online CPD-accredited course is included alongside an emergency supply of adrenaline pens with every Anaphylaxis Kitt subscription.
Alton Towers Becomes First Theme Park Worldwide to Install Anaphylaxis Kitts
We're NOW finally able to supply our Kitt service to qualifying businesses with occupational health schemes for staff use.
To kick off, we partnered with Alton Towers Resort, installing 17 Anaphylaxis Kitts across the theme park - with a subscription supply of adrenaline pens alongside CPD-accredited online training.
Top 14 Food Allergens and the Importance of Spare Pens In Schools
Any food can trigger anaphylaxis, but some are more likely to do so, particularly in school settings. For this reason, food allergy training and anaphylaxis protection should be a priority. This article covers food allergy statistics in children, the top 14 food allergens, and how schools can prepare for anaphylactic emergencies with spare adrenaline pens.
Inspirational 4-year-old Scottish boy raises funds for Anaphylaxis Kitt at his school
In case you haven’t already seen this wonderful story across all of our socials, or in the local press - Finn, a four-year-old boy who lives with severe allergies, raised funds through a sponsored bike ride to get his local school an Anaphylaxis Kitt!
Local UK schools lead on allergy management
To mark National Allergy Awareness Week last month, local UK schools across Liverpool and Nottingham were highlighted and applauded for their efforts to get proactive about allergy care.
Safeguarding in Schools: A Strategic Approach to Managing Allergies and Anaphylaxis
As a place for growth and learning, schools should be a sanctuary for children. But safeguarding in schools not only encompasses protecting kids against neglect and abuse - It also underscores the need to address medical concerns, particularly ones that are potentially life-threatening, such as allergies.
A warning to the UK education sector - REACT Report, Benedict Blythe Foundation
Following the death of 8 year old Benedict due to a severe allergic reaction at school, mum Helen has worked tirelessly and published The REACT report - releasing groundbreaking statistics, and uncovering the lack of allergy safeguarding in UK education.
(BIG NEWS) We’ve got a new team member and our own office!
Our little team at Kitt Medical has grown - meet Olivia, our new key point of contact for schools - and for the first time ever, we have our own office - Kitt Medical HQ, in Kings Cross, London!
Having a life-threatening allergic reaction abroad | Nathan Bloohn - Allergy Interviews Ep #4
For the fourth instalment of our Allergy Interviews series, I chatted with someone actually with very similar allergies to myself: 21-year-old Nathan, who is allergic to all nuts, sesame and soya.
It’s been one year since we launched… But do you know our story?
One year ago, we launched our Anaphylaxis Kitt service. We’re now supporting over 300 schools all across the UK. But do you know the story of how we got started?
Living With Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis | Tee Houghton - Allergy Interviews Ep #3
For the third instalment of our Allergy Interviews series, I chatted with 19-year-old Tee Houghton - otherwise known as ‘Allergies In Bold’. Tee lives with a range of allergies from environmental factors such as dust, animal dander and pollen to foods such as shellfish and also exercise-induced anaphylaxis.
How to be ‘Positively Allergic’ | Will & Steph - Allergy Interviews Ep #2
For the second of our new Allergy Interviews series, I had the pleasure of speaking with allergy mum Steph and her eleven-year-old son, Will, who lives with multiple severe allergies, including pollen and flaxseed, as well having eczema.
Getting proactive about allergy care: Cotham School, Bristol - Case Study
The days are getting shorter, colder and wetter, so to brighten things up, we wanted to share the story of how we partnered with Cotham secondary school in Bristol, who proactively installed five Anaphylaxis Kitts across their site.
Family of 14-year-old girl who had severe allergic reaction at school “dread” what could have happened without Anaphylaxis Kitt
Ava was attending a dance rehearsal at the Harris Rainham Academy in Essex, when she had a severe allergic reaction and couldn’t find her adrenaline pens. Thankfully, an Anaphylaxis Kitt was installed nearby.
Improving Allergy Management in Education: Case Study - Ralph Allen Secondary School
Ralph Allen School, a large secondary in Bath, revolutionises its’ allergy policy, improves access to critical training for staff and enhances allergy awareness by replacing their current allergy provision with Anaphylaxis Kitts.
Working with over 100 schools across the UK
We flew past our first major milestone... delivering Anaphylaxis Kitts to 100+ schools across the UK only three months after launching!
Professor Adam Fox on Allergy, Anaphylaxis & Adrenaline
Ahead of #AllergyAwarenessWeek (April 24th 2023) Zak sits down with Professor Adam Fox to quiz him on all things allergy, anaphylaxis, and adrenaline, busting a few widely believed myths in the process.