It’s time we all got proactive about allergy care.

Allergy is becoming more common...

In the UK, around 2.5 million people have a known allergy.

In the last 20 years, there’s been a 336% increase in prescriptions for adrenaline pens.

1. Patterns and prevalence of adult food allergy (2024) - Food Standards Agency. + ‘Expert reaction to study looking at UK death rate and hospital admissions due to food-induced anaphylaxis’ - Science Media Centre, 2021

Reactions are becoming more common...

There were over 25,000 hospital admissions for allergies in the UK in 2022-23.²

This has more than doubled in the last 20 years.

2. (2023) MHRA reinforces anaphylaxis emergency guidance as Hospital Admissions Rise, GOV.UK.

Adrenaline pens aren’t there when you need them...

45% of people prescribed adrenaline pens don’t carry them as they forget/expire.³

Expiry dates and stock from pharmacies are unpredictable.

3. Warren, C.M. et al. (2018) ‘Epinephrine auto-Injector Carriage and use practices among US children, adolescents, and adults’, Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology,

Our Anaphylaxis Kitt service for qualifying businesses:

  • Emergency anaphylaxis treatment kit

    Your wall-mounted Kitt.

    Our Kitts should be securely wall-mounted in accessible locations, such as a front reception or cafeteria. We provide multiple keys with every Kitt, as well as including a breakable emergency key box.

    Once unlocked, the portable Kitt can be easily taken to any emergency.

  • adrenaline pens for workplaces

    Adrenaline, guaranteed.

    We guarantee a dependable supply of spare adrenaline pens in both doses with every Anaphylaxis Kitt subscription, for use in emergencies.

    The adrenaline will be automatically replenished by us before they expire each year, or if they’re used and reported to us at no extra cost.

  • Easy online management.

    Keep track of your subscription through our software, with clear views to track adrenaline expiry dates, Kitt locations, training, and more.

    We also provide an easy install guide, check-ups, medication restock notifications and termly to-do list.

Our CPD-accredited training course.

Our 30-minute online training course is included with every Kitt subscription and accessible to all your staff.

Through a variety of videos and quiz questions, you’ll learn about allergy and anaphylaxis from leading healthcare professionals, as well as from those with lived experience on how to make your workplace safe and inclusive.

*Now available for qualifying businesses*

“As a business, allergen safety is one of our top priorities”

“Every one of our locations now has Anaphylaxis Kitts located next to the defibrillators for treating allergic reactions, and we have trained all our first aiders.

By having the Kitts on site we can deal with emergencies and potentially save someone’s life if the worst was to happen.

It is great to see the interest the Kitts have had with our teams and our customers - We would highly recommend contacting Kitt Medical.”

- Matt Crouchley, Head of Quality and Safety for Westmorland Family

  • You never know when an allergic reaction might occur - and in who. But we do know that adrenaline pens are hard to source, and that often they have very short shelf lives.

    That’s why we’re so excited that we can offer an all-in-one service, giving you guaranteed long-life adrenaline pens, automatically replenished before they expire, and easily stored in our accessible wall-mounted Kitts , for use in emergencies. We also replenish any pens that are used at no extra cost if you report an incident on our Portal.

    Many organisations face issues with training as it’s often costly (in both time and money) to organise, and often staff don’t even turn up to do it.

    That’s why we include unlimited CPD-accredited Anaphylaxis Kitt training right into the subscription package, with 30 minutes of instantly accessible, easily digestible videos on allergy and anaphylaxis followed by quiz questions. Also, through our Kitt Portal, you can track who’s completed the training (and who hasn’t), making it easy to audit.

    Overall, organisations from industries across the UK are calling us a ‘no-brainer’ - find out why by enquiring today.

  • Our Anaphylaxis Kitt service is charged per Kitt per year, on 5-year agreements.

    For qualifying businesses, please get in touch to arrange a meeting with a member of our team so we can discuss a package that suits your needs.

    This will include:

    • Wall-mounted Kitts with four keys and emergency breakable key box

    • One trainer adrenaline pen with each Kitt

    • Adrenaline pens, automatically replenished before expiry or if used and reported to us

    • Unlimited staff access to our online CPD-accredited training course

    • Access to our online portal for Kitt check-up reminders, incident report forms, and medication management.

  • Our Anaphylaxis Kitt service can only be purchased in the UK by registered schools and qualifying businesses with an occupational health scheme (OHS) available.

    By UK law, an organisation must have OH to purchase adrenaline pens. This could be an internal company OH physician/nurse, or a third-party provider you have available to the business (e.g. Health Assured). If you're not sure, think about who you would report an employee's mental or physical issue to...

    We've found that due to a lack of OHS available, businesses such as aesthetics clinics, independent nurseries and small groups such as scouts unfortunately don't currently qualify.

    This is not our decision, but rather the current UK legislation (Schedule 17 of The Human Medicines Regulations 2012).

Frequently Asked Questions

“Nothing short of fantastic… the perfect solution for our needs”

“We partnered with Kitt Medical for a comprehensive package of Anaphylaxis Kitts across Alton Towers Resort, and from start to finish, the process has been nothing short of fantastic.

We not only have the confidence that we are equipped with the correct devices, but also benefit from their training and streamlined process ensuring our colleagues are prepared for potential allergy emergencies.”

- Tom Handley, Security & Medical Manager, Alton Towers Resort

Our history of treating life-threatening reactions.

“I've lived with severe allergies to nuts for my entire life. I wanted to create something that could solve the issues I face every day.”

As a product designer at university, I wanted to create something ‘just like a defibrillator, but for allergies’. Since graduating in 2020 that idea has quickly become a reality.

We now provide hundreds of venues across the UK with emergency adrenaline pens in a wall-mounted Kitt, alongside online CPD-accredited training and incident reporting, all-in-one subscription service.”

- Zak Marks, Co-Founder & CEO of Kitt Medical

Interested in Kitts for your workplace?

Our goal is for Kitts to be every defibrillator’s next-door neighbour.

We’re currently working towards being able to partner with qualifying organisations across the UK with occupational health schemes, covering everywhere from theme parks to offices, stadiums, and beyond.

If you’re interested in learning more, please make an enquiry and a member of our team will be in touch.