The Kitt Medical Blog
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Kitt Medical partners with St John Ambulance to Increase Allergy Awareness
St John Ambulance is England's leading first aid charity. Together, we’ll improve the quality of life for those living with severe allergies and increase the availability of emergency anaphylaxis treatment.

Our NEW CPD-Accredited Allergy & Anaphylaxis training course for Schools & Workplaces
Created by us, for UK schools and qualifying businesses, this brand new online CPD-accredited course is included alongside an emergency supply of adrenaline pens with every Anaphylaxis Kitt subscription.

Alton Towers Becomes First Theme Park Worldwide to Install Anaphylaxis Kitts
We're NOW finally able to supply our Kitt service to qualifying businesses with occupational health schemes for staff use.
To kick off, we partnered with Alton Towers Resort, installing 17 Anaphylaxis Kitts across the theme park - with a subscription supply of adrenaline pens alongside CPD-accredited online training.