The Kitt Medical Blog
Read through the latest stories about Kitt, allergy news, and more.
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Teacher with no known allergies survives sudden life-threatening allergic reaction
A teacher experienced life-threatening anaphylaxis after drinking a ginger beer. An adrenaline pen from a Kitt was used by her colleague and he was credited with saving her life.

Our NEW CPD-Accredited Allergy & Anaphylaxis training course for Schools & Workplaces
Created by us, for UK schools and qualifying businesses, this brand new online CPD-accredited course is included alongside an emergency supply of adrenaline pens with every Anaphylaxis Kitt subscription.

(BIG NEWS) We’ve got a new team member and our own office!
Our little team at Kitt Medical has grown - meet Olivia, our new key point of contact for schools - and for the first time ever, we have our own office - Kitt Medical HQ, in Kings Cross, London!

‘Understanding Allergies’ School Presentation
We gave a talk to Luton Council Schools all about understanding allergies, the risks they present to schools, and how to mitigate against them.

Closing our second round of investment funding
We’ve officially closed our second investment round! (But that’s not all…)

Kitt Medical on the ‘Eating at a Meeting Podcast’
Chatted with Tracy Stuckrath on her 'Eating at a meeting' podcast about all things Kitt, allergy legislation, future plans and more!

Announcing our training partnership with The Allergy Team
Our video training course on allergy and anaphylaxis in schools will be included with every Kitt subscription 🙌🏼

Flying on an airplane with a severe allergy to nuts
There have been a number of recent incidents highlighting the lack of awareness and preparedness in airlines when it comes to dealing with allergies and anaphylaxis, so I thought I would share my own story.

Why we’re putting Anaphylaxis Kitts in schools
There's more to it than them being a HUGE and opportune market allowing us to build a community, implement change and learn from feedback...