My perspective of what it’s like to live with severe allergies

I never eat anything unless I know what’s in it.

I have to ask every time. No free samples, no guessing games.

I always carry two adrenaline auto-injectors wherever I go.

They usually don’t fit in my pocket, so that means I’ve almost always got a bag with me.

I get told almost every time I eat out that they can’t ‘guarantee’ the food I’m about to eat won’t kill me. They sometimes even joke about it.

Living with a serious allergy is bizarre, most of these things are so ingrained that I don’t really notice them anymore - it’s only when someone else points it out that I realise the strangeness of it all.

And I know I’m not alone - there are 3 million people across the UK who live with food allergies.

I feel so fortunate that I’ve been able to turn this misfortune into action - it’s what drives my passion for Kitt Medical Ltd.

We should be aiming for a better standard of allergy care in our restaurants, in our schools, in all venues.

zak marks & james cohen, co-founders of kitt medical

The loss of Jakub Bednarz (allergic reaction)


Rebranding our startup (‘ana. Allergy Care’ to ‘Kitt Medical’)