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Our NEW CPD-Accredited Allergy & Anaphylaxis training course for Schools & Workplaces
Created by us, for UK schools and qualifying businesses, this brand new online CPD-accredited course is included alongside an emergency supply of adrenaline pens with every Anaphylaxis Kitt subscription.
Safeguarding in Schools: A Strategic Approach to Managing Allergies and Anaphylaxis
As a place for growth and learning, schools should be a sanctuary for children. But safeguarding in schools not only encompasses protecting kids against neglect and abuse - It also underscores the need to address medical concerns, particularly ones that are potentially life-threatening, such as allergies.
Family of 14-year-old girl who had severe allergic reaction at school “dread” what could have happened without Anaphylaxis Kitt
Ava was attending a dance rehearsal at the Harris Rainham Academy in Essex, when she had a severe allergic reaction and couldn’t find her adrenaline pens. Thankfully, an Anaphylaxis Kitt was installed nearby.