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Safeguarding in Schools: A Strategic Approach to Managing Allergies and Anaphylaxis
As a place for growth and learning, schools should be a sanctuary for children. But safeguarding in schools not only encompasses protecting kids against neglect and abuse - It also underscores the need to address medical concerns, particularly ones that are potentially life-threatening, such as allergies.
Partnering with Robert Halfon MP for Anaphylaxis Awareness Week
We ran our first-ever in-person event with schools in Harlow for Anaphylaxis Awareness Week, alongside MP Robert Halfon & CEO Clare Bull!
Working with over 100 schools across the UK
We flew past our first major milestone... delivering Anaphylaxis Kitts to 100+ schools across the UK only three months after launching!
A one month post-launch review of our impact
We've delivered a total of 75 Anaphylaxis Kitts to 54 schools and academies across the country in one month!