The Kitt Medical Blog
Read through the latest stories about Kitt, allergy news, and more.
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Teacher with no known allergies survives sudden life-threatening allergic reaction
A teacher experienced life-threatening anaphylaxis after drinking a ginger beer. An adrenaline pen from a Kitt was used by her colleague and he was credited with saving her life.

‘Understanding Allergies’ - Anaphylaxis Awareness free webinars
Allergies can be confusing. Anaphylaxis can be complicated. This Anaphylaxis Awareness Week, we wanted to help provide some clarity. That’s why we’re running two FREE webinars featuring leading allergy professionals.

Safeguarding in Schools: A Strategic Approach to Managing Allergies and Anaphylaxis
As a place for growth and learning, schools should be a sanctuary for children. But safeguarding in schools not only encompasses protecting kids against neglect and abuse - It also underscores the need to address medical concerns, particularly ones that are potentially life-threatening, such as allergies.

School teacher’s near-fatal allergic reaction treated by Anaphylaxis Kitt
Billie-Jo, a mathematics teacher from a prestigious UK boarding school, experienced a near-fatal allergic reaction and required treatment from three adrenaline pens using the school’s Anaphylaxis Kitt. This is now the second time one of our Kitts has been used, and the story is a truly eye-opening one.

Having a life-threatening allergic reaction abroad | Nathan Bloohn - Allergy Interviews Ep #4
For the fourth instalment of our Allergy Interviews series, I chatted with someone actually with very similar allergies to myself: 21-year-old Nathan, who is allergic to all nuts, sesame and soya.

It’s been one year since we launched… But do you know our story?
One year ago, we launched our Anaphylaxis Kitt service. We’re now supporting over 300 schools all across the UK. But do you know the story of how we got started?

Living With Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis | Tee Houghton - Allergy Interviews Ep #3
For the third instalment of our Allergy Interviews series, I chatted with 19-year-old Tee Houghton - otherwise known as ‘Allergies In Bold’. Tee lives with a range of allergies from environmental factors such as dust, animal dander and pollen to foods such as shellfish and also exercise-induced anaphylaxis.

A Comprehensive Guide to Emergency Allergy & Anaphylaxis Treatment: How to use an Adrenaline Pen
We discuss the critical importance of understanding and using adrenaline pens in emergency situations, particularly for individuals dealing with severe allergies and anaphylaxis, and introduce our Anaphylaxis Kit Subscription Service.

Adrenaline Auto-Injectors: Emergency Anaphylaxis Treatment Devices
Adrenaline auto-injectors have emerged as crucial devices in emergency situations, where immediate treatment is required to counter allergic reactions, such as anaphylaxis.

The UK Parliament debate on Owen’s Law & an Allergy Tsar
On the 15th May the UK government will be taking a big step forward - debating both Owen’s Law and the need for an Allergy Tsar. This comes after years of hard fought campaign work by both bereaved families.

Professor Adam Fox on Allergy, Anaphylaxis & Adrenaline
Ahead of #AllergyAwarenessWeek (April 24th 2023) Zak sits down with Professor Adam Fox to quiz him on all things allergy, anaphylaxis, and adrenaline, busting a few widely believed myths in the process.

An allergic reaction on the Eurostar…
Signifying the importance of #AllergyAwarenessWeek almost on cue: a child has an allergic reaction on the Eurostar, and there's no adrenaline available.