Anaphylaxis Kitt service for schools and qualifying businesses with adrenaline pens and training

“Like a defibrillator, but for allergies”

Emergency allergy medication + training, when you need it.

Enquire to purchase an Anaphylaxis Kitt subscription for your organisation*

*Qualifying organisations include registered schools, and businesses with an occupational health scheme, in line with UK Human Medicines Regulations.

  • Kitts for schools.

    Trusted by 500+ schools & academies.

    Our Anaphylaxis Kitt service, which includes adrenaline pens & CPD training, supports schools all across the UK, from small primaries to large secondary schools, MATs, and more.

    Anaphylaxis Kitt for schools with adrenaline pens and CPD training with a student and staff member in a food hall
  • Kitts for businesses.

    Supporting a range of organisations.

    Our Anaphylaxis Kitt service, with adrenaline pens & CPD training, is purchasable for qualifying businesses with occupational health, from Alton Towers to McLaren Group.

    Anaphylaxis Kitts for businesses with occupational health including adrenaline pens and training for allergy health and safety

“The reality of it is I nearly died that night… The Anaphylaxis Kitt literally saved my life”

Our Anaphylaxis Kitts have been used to treat life-threatening allergic reactions 10 times since we launched in January 2023.

Watch the BBC story of Elaine, who developed her first life-threatening allergic reaction to a ginger beer whilst at home late one night.

Anaphylaxis kit CPD accredited training course for allergy and adrenaline pens - Kitt Medical

Our CPD-accredited online training course.

Created in partnership with Anaphylaxis UK, our training course is included with every Kitt subscription.

Featuring healthcare professionals including Professor Adam Fox and Dr Helen Evans-Howells, it consists of 6 videos, followed by multiple-choice questions, taking just 30 minutes to complete.

Join the 15,000+ members of staff who have given our training course a five-star rating.

Our latest news

Zak Marks, Co-Founder & CEO - Kitt Medical, holding an anaphylaxis Kitt with emergency adrenaline pens

“I’ve lived with severe allergies my entire life - that’s why I created Kitt Medical.”

“From forgetting my adrenaline pens when I go out, to having easily avoidable allergic reactions - I know first-hand what it’s like to live with an allergy. I was desperate to solve the issues that I, and millions of other people face, every day.”

- Zak Marks, Co-Founder & CEO of Kitt Medical

You’ve got questions,
we’ve got answers.

“Who can use an adrenaline pen?”
”How can I get Kitt in my school?”
”Does my business qualify for Kitts?”

Schools and businesses with Kitt Medical anaphylaxis kitts with adrenaline pens and training for allergy emergencies

Kitts are the defibrillator’s next-door neighbour.

There are now more than 800 Kitts installed across the UK in schools and qualifying businesses… but we’ve still got a long way to go.

Book a free consultation with our team to chat through our multi-award-winning service.